Kapha - Balancing


Kapha - Balancing


Kapha - Balancing Blend: organic jojoba oil (unrefined/cold pressed), organic Bergamot (Italy), wild harvested Palo Santo (Ecuador), organic Eucalyptus (South Africa), organic Tulsi (India), wild harvested Cedar (India).

This stimulating blend is warming, revitalizing and energizing to balance the cold, wet and heavy qualities of Kapha.

Crystal: Green Aventurine ( Vitality, enhances circulatory system)

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The oil of the peel of Bergamot fruits (Citrus) reduces sluggishness, stagnation and depression. It is mood enhancing, uplifting and promotes clarity. Palo Santo has a decongestant effect on the respiratory system and purifies the mind. Eucalyptus. Tulsi (holy basil) purifies the mind, body and spirit. Its warming and clarifying qualities boost vitality and produce joy. In Ayurveda Tulsi is considers sattvic and especially helpful in Kapha related conditions. Cedarwood is both stimulating to the body and calming to the mind. It helps to create a deeper connection to spirit, facilitates meditation and promotes abundance.