Layers, Sheaths and Koshas

Kosha means "sheath" in Sanskrit. In yoga, the term is used to describe metaphorical layers within the human body. This meaning comes from the ancient Hindu texts called the Upanishads. The koshas are often likened to Russian nesting dolls or the layers of an onion.

The outermost sheath is basically the physical body. It is the only layer that has an anatomical aspect. Although the other koshas are described as being layered, B.K.S. Iyengar explains his book Light on Life that the ideal is not for the layers to be clearly defined but rather for them to be seamlessly blended. 

When life is out of balance, we must identify the kosha that is troubled and take on practices to help it come back into harmony with the others. Exploring and integrating each layer brings us closer to a state of bliss.

I always thought of these layers as something we peel off, in order to reveal our true authentic selves, our innermost being. But the thought of integrating the various layers of existence, so that the inner divinity shines through is growing on me. 

I ponder on wether we can both mirror and reflect the beauty of the world around us AND let the clear light of the soul shine out!

I reflect on how we can neither neglect nor deny our physical body (or become fixated on mastering it) AND make it a fit vehicle for our soul to soar!

In the end Yoga teaches us to live fully -physically and spiritually-in open ended awareness with love as our guiding light.

That is what I will focus on.
